A baker on a mission to make great handmade bread in Colombo working with natural sourdough.

Braided Brioche Loaf

Burnished and flaky outside, delicate inside; rich and buttery throughout. Our Brioche is a feat of making so much richness so light. Fresh, paired or toasted, its as luxurious as bread will ever be. It’s right at that fork in the road of sweetness: you could pair it with sweet or savoury.

Made with no additives or colourings.

Ingredients: Wheat Flour, Butter, Eggs, Sugar, Milk, Baker's Yeast and Salt

Pairs well with: Fresh, try it as it is. I’m a sucker for having it with marmalade or a piece of good dark chocolate. Pair it with a richly spiced beef or crab curry for the kind of decadence you should only allow yourself on special occasions. Better palates than mine recommend it slightly stale for French Toast and Bread pudding.

Storage: Keep in the paper bag, in the butter paper sealed for up to 2 days depending on how hot your environment is. Do not refrigerate or microwave. Slice, ziplock and freeze to store longer. Toast after defrosting.

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